Avoid MSG

Avoid MSG in your food: MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a flavor enhancer that is commonly found in Chinese food and various other foods. MSG is made up of a dangerous food compound known as excitotoxins. Excitotoxins are protein, which make brain cells fire their...

Stay Away from the Fitness Fads

I am not a proponent of intermittent fasting as a long approach way to get in shape. This is not only counter-intuitive to good health but will not result in muscle growth and fat loss as eating frequently does. When you fast for long periods of time and then eat big...

Drink Water

You should be drinking close to a gallon of cold water a day. The more water you drink, the better you will look. The more subcutaneous water will be flushed out of your system and this cold water will burn even more calories to heat the cold water up to your normal...

Proper Nutritional Calorie Intake

Do not over-eat and do not under-eat. This may sound like a no-brainer but too many times does it occur. Eat until you are satisfied but not full. Also, never go hungry. It is a balancing act but it is manageable. Weigh yourself everyday. Record everything you eat and...

Avoid Fats Post-Workout

While your post-workout meal should be rich in protein and carbohydrates, fats should be avoided during this time. It’s very beneficial and healthy for the body to have specific fats at specific times, but they should be avoided immediately after a workout. When you...

Eggs are a Superfood!

Eggs are probably the best natural source of protein that you can find. It has the highest biological value (94%) of any food, which is a measure of the protein quality and how much of the body uses that protein to support growth. This provides the most amino acids...