Can I Do MP45 If I Am Vegan?

Q: I actually am having quite a bit of difficulty starting the program. I am nearly vegan in my nutrition and the nutrition program for MP45 doesn’t seem to really work for me because there’s a lot of meat there. Do you have a vegan option? I do eat some chicken...

Is NO Boost Safe?

Q: I have a quick inquiry about the product N.O. Boost. Is the supplement safe, and does it have any properties in which it contains anabolic steroids of any kind? I saw the incentives of the product, but the in-depth ingredients of what’s in it is not listed on...

Can I Do Keto/Low Carb with MP45?

Q: Would a KETO/Low carb diet work with MP45? A: As a whole, low carb diets generally work very well for short periods of time. For example, before a competition or event. However, as a lifestyle, it can cause complications. With MP45 nutrition, you shouldn’t...

How Can I Shorten the MP45 Workouts

Q: I started the MP45 schedule but since it was a little too hectic for me, I had to stop. How can I follow the workouts but simplify it so I am not spending too much time in the gym? A: One of the best things about MP45 is that it is loaded with body transformation...